Take a Leap

By: Keisha Whaley, CEO

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “I’m too old to make a change,” I’d be a rich woman. This year, for many, they’re forced into making many changes—careers, homes, habits—and this can be absolutely terrifying.

I could also collect nickels for every time someone’s told me they’re not creative. It’s rare that sentiment is true, but people believe it to their core.

What I think has happened is we’ve been raised to believe certain things are cemented for us at a young age. Creativity is only about art or career paths must be set in our late teens. We believe who we are is cast in a fixed position and not an adaptable, fluid thing. I challenge that.

I founded my company with the understanding that some people can make outstanding creatives, strategists, and serve clients to craft their brands—if given the chance. That doors are closed, but the reasons behind shutting them are flimsy. That many professionals will gladly share their tools with another looking to learn the trade. BT Foundry is the training ground for careers in marketing and advertising and while the name and nonprofit structure are new, we’ve been doing this successfully for years.

We have no education requirement. We don’t select people from any particular age group. We don’t ask that you have previous experience.

Those completely new to graphic design or copywriting and the world of strategy are ideal cadets in our bootcamp. This 12 week intensive covers a lot of ground and ends in a capstone to develop your own brand, resume, and portfolio. Tuition-based, we offer scholarships to those who cannot afford the fees.

Those who need experience, polish, or a stellar portfolio for design, copy, strategy, or client services should apply for the apprenticeship. This one to two year program includes a paycheck and continued workshops you access for free. At the end of your first year, we begin showcasing you to the world, placing you into the next step of your career by the end of the second year.

If you have to make a change, just feel like it, or maybe are trying to determine what the next few years look like for you, I’d like to encourage you to consider a spot in the Foundry. If you want to hear more, we have an info session coming up on November 13th. We’ll be answering questions and taking a deep dive into our programs. See you there?

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