Our Cause

Helping you shape yours

We believe in strategic inspiration.

In 2015, our founder, Keisha Whaley, decided to challenge her industry. Brass Tacks Collective and our sister entity, BT Foundry, are the embodiment of a future where diversity and inclusion are no longer boxes to be checked, but catalysts for beautifully and strategically-crafted brands. We started with local clients. The direct connection and impact they had with their communities moved us. Seeing how our work with one business contributed to the growth of the entire neighborhood got us thinking even bigger. It’s thrilling to see more and more large corporations and international brands share our vision for the future. A vision of inclusion, equity, sustainability, and conscious capitalism. Our work speaks for itself, and we’ve built a skilled, diverse, energetic team that delivers on every level.

our mission

We believe that changing outcomes starts with opening doors. Brass Tacks was built to change outcomes for our communities through a first-of-its-kind Apprenticeship program and an exceptional creative process. We are a forge, transforming creative professionals and brands into their uniquely optimal states.


"Everybody’s brand means something to them. I couldn’t find a better place
than to put mine in the hands of the team at Brass Tacks Collective."
Now that you know a little about us, we’d love to get to know you.